holistic web design & marketing strategy

My mission is to bring harmony to your marketing strategy, starting with your website!

Armonia digital is about aligning all the elements so that they work beautifully together.

in harmony.

How is your website looking?

Are you struggling with making it look good?

If you are logged into your website builder but struggling with getting your website built, I hear you. Effective design isn't as easy as it seems.

do you want something simple and easy to maintain?

Most business owners don't have a lot of time to spend on maintaining a website. And that's understandable. If you are after something simple, you are in the right place!

are you struggling to get sales and not sure why?

When it comes to your brand you may be focusing on your product only and getting lost on what really matters: your audience. I can make it all come together!

what I bring to the table

  • Too often people look at each piece of your strategy separately. I don’t. Having an holistic view is the key to growth.

  • Your website is your best friend. It gives you the change of taking your customers through a journey of discovery. So optimising it, is must!

  • Social media is a great tool to do marketing for free. And if you plan it so that it is vey much connected to your website you can see great results!

  • The secret to success is also in how you run your business. Are your processes efficient and your employees happy?

my services, tailored for your business

Small businesses are sometimes put off my web designer prices.

And I get it, we can be expensive.

I wanted to find a way to help small businesses setting up a beautiful website without spending a fortune, but still benefiting from expert advice. That’s why I created my Basic Web Design Package.

And if you need more, I have something for you too!

the process

  • ​the meet-up

    ​I get to know you and you get to know me. I want to know all about your brand and your project and you'll find out how I work!

  • ​the plan

    ​If we are happy with each other, we start discussing your brand . I come up with a plan to make it shine on your website! And you let me know if you like the idea!

  • ​the work

    ​I start working on your website. You will hear from me a lot. I will need your feedback to ensure that we are on the right track. And I want you to be honest with me! We are a team now!

  • ​the launch

    ​Your website is ready to go! I'll hand over the keys and you will be ready to go with a lot of tips and guides from me on how to maintain it!

  • shall we do it?

    Ge in touch now and let’s start working together to get you business to the next level!

Contact me.

Based in Sydney, Australia. Helping businesses worldwide!